Give voice to your language
The ongoing loss of the world’s linguistic diversity has recently gained international attention as the causes of this loss accelerate worldwide. Linguists all over the world have shown that a significant number of the world’s languages will disappear within the next century and that something must be done to preserve the intangible linguistic heritage of individuals, communities, and nations. This oft-cited “call to arms” sparked a renewed interest in and creation of language documentation programs worldwide. Participants involved with these programs are well trained in best practices for recording speech, analyzing language use, and creating a linguistic legacy for each language community. However, language communities and linguists often lack the opportunities to solve the real-world language problems that communities face because necessary the resources are increasingly inaccessible.
Linguists Laura Berbusse, M.A., and Chris Rogers, Ph.D., started Glotonomy, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, to address this disparity. Through resources and activities available online, Glotonomy users learn basic linguistics and language documentation practices with the goal of creating their own self-led language projects. Glotonomy is designed for speakers of all languages, and we welcome the chance to work with and customize resources for speakers of underrepresented languages, heritage language learners, and language researchers.
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Laura Berbusse, Co-founder
Laura holds an M.A. in Linguistics, with a language documentation and conservation focus, and has five years of experience in nonprofit development and donor database management. (Click for more...)
Chris Rogers, Ph.D., Co-founder
Chris Rogers has a Ph.D. in Linguistics and has extensive experience facilitating community-led language documentation efforts worldwide. (Click for more...)
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Get in touch
@ ✉ 123 Language Preservation Lane
Salt Lake City, UT 84111☏ 801-555-1234